Welcome to North Shore Academy of Dance’s community!

Here we hope you can gain insight on the requirements of being a “dance parent”. Each dancer has different avenues they can travel while learning the techniques of dance. Whether your child has class once a week or multiple hours a week, is a preschool dancer or a competitive dancer, there are special things that can be helpful to know. We hope the information below will set yourself and your child up for a successful and exciting year!

Am I required to stay while my child is in class?

While you are not required to stay at NSAD while your child is in dance class, we do recommend (age dependant) walking your child into the building. If your child needs assistance to use the washroom we encourage you to stay and assist them, or have them use the washroom prior to beginning their class. We have a comfortable sitting space for parents who wish to stay while their child is in class and cubby spaces for students to keep their belongings during class.

Can I watch the classes?

Twice a year we offer a viewing week and invite parents and family members to watch our dancers in class. On a weekly basis we do not have parents watch the classes as it is distracting not only to your child but also to the other students in the classroom. A child’s focus towards the instructor is of the utmost importance and allows the students to gain the most out of their dance class.

As a guardian of a dancer, what responsibilities do I have throughout the year?

A guardians’s responsibility throughout the year is to have their child arrive to class on time and to help them be prepared (correct footwear, uniform, hair etc.). We appreciate knowing when your child will be absent so that we may inform the instructors. Please email [email protected] if your child is unable to attend their class. We communicate to our families and community throughout the year with newsletters and informative emails regarding important dates (recitals, community events, studio closures) through Mailchimp. Please read our newsletters and ensure that your email address is correctly subscribed. Through these emails, you will be given all information pertaining to our recitals. Recitals are a very exciting time for our dancers and we encourage you to stay informed and involved. In-Motion is the name of our annual year end recital in mid-June at Centennial Theatre. In-Motion involves all dance classes offered at NSAD (excluding a handful of Advanced Technique classes). Each class will perform a piece of choreography. Snowmotion is an annual showcase in February for our performance groups only. Whether performing at In-Motion or Snowmotion, each class will be given specific dress rehearsal time slots in which all dancers are required to attend.

Should my child practise at home?

While it is not mandatory to practise at home, we encourage our dancers to reflect on what they have learnt in class prior to attending the next week. Dancers can always ask their instructor the name of the music they are using in class as this will be a helpful tool for independent practising.

What is a recital?

A recital involves all dance classes offered at NSAD (excluding a handful of Advanced Technique classes). Each class will perform a piece of choreography which requires a special costume in which all students of the group will coordinate. This costume is purchased and organized by NSAD and the families are charged $60 plus GST on the 1st of March. The costume fee is charged for each class a dancer is participating in (classes of the same level that are twice per week: example Grade Three Ballet Monday and Friday, are only charged for one costume). The recital information regarding specific dress rehearsal times, theatre address, ticket costs, and show orders are all emailed one month prior to the event. To ensure our dancers are not scheduled for other activities on the same days as our recitals we provide the dates of our shows in the Fall.

What does performance class mean?

A performance class is a dance class that works on a specific routine that will perform at Snowmotion, In-Motion, community events throughout the year and at a minimum of three dance competitions throughout the lower mainland during the Spring. These groups require students to take a minimum number of dance classes per week and are geared towards the more serious dancer who enjoys performing multiple times throughout the year.

What responsibilities are required of a performance group dancer?

A performance class dancer is a part of a team. Each dancer relies on each other for spacing, partnering and performance quality/energy while dancing the set choreography. It is important that a performance group dancer can commit to their weekly classes in both their technique classes and the performance class. The dancer is required to be available for all of the competition dates/times as well as the In-Motion recital and Snowmotion Showcase. These dates are released in the fall. Community event performances are offered throughout the year to select performance groups based on a variety of factors such as dancer availability and appropriate style of genre for the event. Examples of community events that NSAD participates in are West Van Days Parade, Elementary School’s, PNE, North Shore Family Winter Ball etc.

Performance group dancers are required to arrive to all dance competitions one and a half hours prior to their schedule dance time. The dancers are required to be able to accomplish the hair style requested for their group and to wear stage make up for each performance.

How do I best accomplish a ballet bun?

To best accomplish a ballet bun, hair should be in a tight ponytail at a 45 degree angle above the top of the ears, and towards the centre back of the head. Use a comb to hold the hair tightly to the head and use a hair elastic of a similar colour to your hair that can be tightly wound. To secure the ponytail into a bun twist the hair and wrap (not too tightly) around the elastic in a circular motion securing the hair down with bobby pins. The bobby pins should lay flat on the head securing into the pulled back hair. Using a minimum of 10-20 bobby pins will keep hair in place for class. To further secure the hair from unwinding, place a hairnet over the bun (may have to wrap around multiple times depending on the net/width of hair). Hairnets, hairspray and gel do not necessarily need to be used for class but are required for a stage ballet bun used in performances. Students should have a spare hairnet as well as their hairspray, gel and extra bobby pins when preparing for performances.

Tutorials on how to accomplish the NSAD stage make up can be found here.

The Snowmotion dutch braid tutorial can be found here.